Des Moines Social Club-2014
The Cast:
Aaron Smith......................Troy Maxson
Tiffany Johnson..............Rose Maxson
Freddie Fulton.................Cory Maxson
Odell McGhee.............Gabriel Maxson
Pernell Ferguson....................Jim Bono
Fonz Jenkins..................Lyons Maxson
Lyric T. Sellers.............Raynell Maxson
Khalil Adams.................Cory Alternate
David McDowell........Lyons Alternate
The Production Team:
Director- Ken-Matt Martin
Stage Manager- Kevin Higdon
Scenic and Lighting Design- Jay Jagim
Costume Design- Josie Poppen
Sound Design- Joshua Jepson
Fight Choreography- Karla Kash and John Graham
Publicity Director- Deidre Dejear
Assistant Stage Manager- Alexis Davis
Assistant Director- Jessica Avant
“Lucky for us Ken-Matt Martin’s potent revival at the Des Moines Social Club flings the gate wide open, inviting viewers to meet a family whose story has the punch of poetry and the sweep of a novel.”
Tiffany Johnson as Rose and Aaron Smith as Troy. Photo: Andrea Markowski
Freddie Fulton as Cory and Aaron Smith as Troy. Photo: Andrea Markowski
Aaron Smith as Troy, Pernell Ferguson as Bono, Tiffany Johnson as Rose, Fonz Jenkins as Lyons, and Odell Mcghee as Gabe. Photo: Andrea Markowski