By Tearrance Chisholm, Directed by Jiréh Breon Holder
Presented in the Kum & Go Theatre at the Des Moines Social Club.
Tyler Robinson (Marquis) and Nieko White (Tru). Photo: Eric Salmon
“Yet, after the play, I found myself in deep conversation with others, sharing a consensus that Hooded: Or, Being Black for Dummies will have a profound and positive impact on any who experience the production. Hooded becomes a shining beacon, helping to pierce through the blackness of centuries of racial hatred and misunderstanding. This is a must-see for everyone.”
Meet the Cast
Meet the Creative Team
“Mixing outlandish satire with the potential for tragedy, the abrupt mood swings generate plenty of tension, among the actors and among the crowd (where white and black theatergoers might respond differently to different jokes, almost as if seeing different plays). Thus, the curtain-call bows carry a spirit of affirmation, of common purpose and triumph, as if we’re all in this thing together.”
Marquis and Tru are both fourteen-year-old black boys, but they exist in two totally different worlds. Marquis is a book-smart prep-schooler living in the affluent suburb of Achievement Heights, while Tru is a street savvy kid from deep within the inner city of Baltimore. Their worlds overlap one day in a holding cell, where Tru decides that Marquis has lost his “blackness” and pens a manual entitled “Being Black for Dummies”. He assumes the role of professor, but Marquis is a reluctant pupil. They debate, wrestle, and ultimately prove that Nietzsche and 2pac were basically saying the same thing.
Read about Jordan Weber's "American Dreamers": HERE
Find out where this exciting new play is headed next: HERE
Read what American Theatre Magazine had to say about this provocative new play HERE
Learn more about Founder, Jiréh Breon Holder.