
Pyramid Theatre Company 5th Anniversary

It's our anniversary: Pyramid is officially 5 years old today!

On August 24, 2015 we founded Pyramid Theatre Company to illuminate the presence of Black artists in the theatre canon and provide a means of artistic expression to emerging Black voices.

For the past 7 seasons, our productions have given Black artists the center stage; a platform to tell stories of emotional turmoil, cultural experiences, complex relationships and the real struggles of being Black in America. We made these stories accessible to our local community here in Des Moines for the first time.

As we faced our greatest challenge yet this year through the health pandemic that has closed so many theatre doors, we have not given up on our mission to produce and promote artistic excellence in our community. Now more than ever we are grateful for the support we've received from our Pyramid family. 

The video below is a tribute to our theatre, and a sneak peek of what's to come. Thank you to everyone who has kept us going and made this new project possible! If you would like to further support Pyramid Theatre company, please click the button below to donate: