Zora Fights Back

Pyramid has decided to do our part to make sure that we don't only offer art, but we solidify the message in not only what we present but how we live and we'd like for you to join us. We will begin to bring awareness to women that have suffered from violence, that have survived and decided to fight back against the very things that could have broken them. In the play Prowess, opening Friday the character of Zora does just this, she makes a choice to learn how to defend herself and by way of doing that, realized that it was even bigger than her and that the difference between her being a victim or a survivor was the choice that couldn't be taken from her.

Being a woman, I have often found myself reflecting on the journey a woman travels. I often wonder if we stop and take note of the many challenges that we overcome, the many hats and roles that we fulfill. I wonder if we realize how resilient we are, how powerful we are and how almost effortlessly we rise to the challenges that not only we face ourselves, but our families, our neighbors, our communities face.

If you all would be so kind to utilize your social platform to help us spread the word, we are asking people to post #ZoraFightsBack on your social media beginning today for as long as you are willing up until we open the play this coming Friday. Each of us represents a movement and together we can utilize our individual movements for collective growth.

Tiffany Johnson
Artistic Director - Pyramid Theatre Company